My Goals For the New Year

What a year this has been for me.  I accomplished something that seemed far away to reach at one point of my life, yet I arrived at the finish line. This is only the beginning of so many horizons I want to explore, that just thinking about all of them, makes my head spin.

July 11, 2012 will go down in my history books as one of the most amazing days.  The day that I hit 101 pounds lost (taking me one year almost to the day).  Then two months after that, one day before my birthday, I reached my ultimate weight goal of 125 pounds.

   2011---->238 pounds     2012---->125 pounds

So what are my goals for 2013? you might be asking.  Well, I feel unstoppable, confident, strong and healthy--so the sky is the limit, but we have to be realistic and know that we have to climb some stairs before we get there.

So here are some of my goals for 2013. Some of them are big and some are small, but nevertheless these are the goals I want to accomplish:

  • Continue with my health journey (sensible eating and exercise) - less binging.
  • Try to run a 5K for each month of 2013.
  •  Become stronger (work on having leaner muscles).
  • Run my first half marathon in October.
  • Become a Notary Public-For no particular reason.  I always wanted to be one.
  • Advanced personal and physical training.
  • Help people become healthier by sharing both of my journeys and experience.
  • Continue my advocacy on cervical cancer.
  • Continue with my passion of working out - Who knows where that will lead me--I have some ideas-- but I will keep them under wraps at this time.
  • Enjoy my hubby and life overall.  I get wrapped up on my every day life that I forget to be grateful sometimes.
  • Be more consistent writing on my blogs and keep them updated.
  • Try not to skip my Yoga classes - They keep me centered (mentally and physically)

Oh my goodness, I can go on and on, again I have be realistic and work on these goals first.  I got plenty of work to do here if I want to accomplish the above goals.  

We don't want to overwhelm ourselves by putting too much on our plate because that will set us up for failure. We don't want to fail.  We have to be determined, consistent, patient and focus.

Don't be hard on yourselves if you can't accomplish some of the goals, There is always more time ahead.

I want to take a moment and wish you all blessings and much health for the new year.  Lets make 2013 our year to conquer all of our set goals. 

Happy New Year!!!!!

A goal without a plan is just a wish ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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