Q.  How did you lose over 100 pounds?
A.  OMG! It was hard work. A complete lifestyle change. Many people think I had some kind of surgery, but I can honestly say I DID NOT. It took me approximately 14 months to lose 113 pounds and 55 inches. I was determined to get healthy and I focused on that. 

Q.  I want to lose weight.  Can you give me a few pointers?
A. I can only give you pointers based on my own experience.  Dropping weight requires commitment.  Losing weight and keeping it off--requires some serious lifestyle changes. Having said that, click HERE to figure your HEALTHY calorie intake, do 30+ minutes of cardio daily, and weights/body resistance 2-3 times a week. Overwhelmed? Focus on your nutrition first. 

*Remember to always check with your doctor before you start any diet and/or exercise plan.

Q.  Is there any fitness/health advice you would like to offer based on your own experiences or on those around you?
A.  We all want to see and get results right away- you have to realize and accept the fact that getting healthy and fit is a process.  It will NEVER happen overnight. You are creating new habits and it takes awhile. You have to be determined and be consistent.  You don’t have to see the finish line to know that you will get there.  Step by step we'll travel far.

Q.  Did you go out to eat while on the diet?
A.  Absolutely!!!! My husband loves to go out to eat. Every time I went out, I was always cognizant of my choices (healthy calories) and my portions. I tried to stay as close as possible to my daily 1500 calories. It is all about "Sensible Eating". I did not over indulge.

Q.  What's your exercise routine?
A.  I work out 4-5 days a week, I train with my personal trainer once a week, plus I teach a few classes a week..   I also do yoga, and daily meditations. 

Q.  How did you stay motivated?
 A. It is not easy.  I had bad and good days, but I kept close to my positive vibes and the energy that people that cared gave me. I read success stories, and weight loss blogs.  I ignored the "unnecessary noise" from the negative people.  Motivation is like when you put gas in a car,  every once in awhile you'll  have to gas up again to continue on the road. After awhile you will become your own motivation as you start seeing results.  Stay determined, Be patient, Be consistent and Focus. 

Q.  What have you learned?
A.  I've learned so much and still learning.  I definitely know that I cannot go back to my OLD habits, I still have bad days, but they are fewer rather than more.   I'm cognizant of all the triggers that made me go look for food before, and that's very important to know for a food addict like me.  I look at food differently. I eat for sustenance and I drink to hydrate my body.

Q.  What's ahead for you?
A.  OMG!!! I feel unstoppable. I'm healthy, stronger and happier that I've ever been.  Living healthy does not have an end. There is so much I want to do-- I want to continue to learn fitness and nutrition as much as I can.  I want to help and inspire people that are struggling with their weight and health.  They have to know that they are not alone and that it can be done.  I'm living proof.

If you have any questions you can contact me by:

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