Hello!! My name is Patti Murillo Casa.  I'm a Cervical Cancer/Obesity Survivor. I'm a retired NYC Police Officer.  I've been married for 21 years to a wonderful man who I love dearly, and I have a supportive family and amazing friends.

In 2008, I fought cervical cancer and won the battle with the grace of God, the knowledge of my wonderful doctors and the support of my family and friends.

 After my cancer battle, in 2011 I tipped the scale at 238 pounds and wore a size 22 due to overeating, not exercising, and using food as an agent of comfort.  Due to my obesity I was diagnosed with diabetes type2, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.  It was then that I made the determination to make a U-turn to health, and in September of 2012, 14 months later from the start of my journey, I've reached my weight loss goal - I had lost 113 pounds & reversed  all my illnesses.

My Evolution to a Healthier Me
It wasn't an easy task, but I went from HEAVY to HEALTHY. I did it one step at a time. One day at a time. No special pill, no surgery, no special potion - plain old hard work.

I kept my weight loss for three years, but like many others, I fell back into my old habits causing me to regained back 60 pounds.

In 2019, I was turning 60 years old, and at the beginning of the that year,  I made the commitment to make that familiar U-turn to ultimate health.  By September 2020 I've loss 60 pounds for my 60th birthday. šŸ™‡

As an emotional eater I struggle from time to time to maintain a healthy weight, but there is NO end to healthy living, and I put the effort, and the dedication on a daily basis. 

Weight loss is a difficult journey for anyone, and different for everyone.  It is a continuous process, but I'm willing to share the knowledge I've gained throughout my journeys.  I hope to guide others in the hope to make a difference.

You have to know that dropping weight requires commitment.  Losing weight and keeping it off--requires some serious lifestyle changes. 

 There is no better time to start than NOW!!!!

So Don't think about it anymore - Just Do It!
Lets get Healthy!

Remember   Please always check with you physician or health care provider before you start any diet and/or exercise plan.
More About Patti
Patti has a Degree in Psychology from the City University of New York. She is a passionate advocate of Women's Health as well as Adult & Child Obesity.  

Patti is the recipient of the 2013 American Heart Association Lifestyle Change Award.

She is a certified Diet & Weight Management Adviser by the Shaw Academy for Nutrition, Certified Senior Fitness by ISSA (International Sport Sciences Association), Certified Cancer Recovery Health and Fitness Specialist by the NFPT (National Federation of Professional Trainers), and is CPR/AED certified by the American Red Cross.

She has also been a Shape Up NYC Fitness Instructor,

For five years she was the President of the NYC Chapter of Tamika and Friends, Inc. -- a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about cervical cancer and its link to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). T&F has been re branded to Cervivor where Patti continues to be a big part of the organization as the NYC Ambassador and Cervivor Wellness Instructor. 

She is also a current member of the Woman to Woman Support Group at the NY Presbyterian Hospital.  Woman to Woman - is a program of the Division of the Gynecologic Oncology.  Supporting and mentoring women newly diagnosed with gynecological cancers, and offer ongoing emotional support while undergoing treatments.

She is a member of the community advisory board at the Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, as well as a member of the patient advocacy advisory board.


Words From Her #1 Fan & Supporter
I loved her then and I love her now.  She is my best friend, my rock, my love.
 She's my wife

I'm very proud of my wife Patti.  I have witness the evolution of her weight loss and her journey to health.  She has showed me that no battle is too big & no mountain too high!  At the same time, she has showed me love without any reservations, and for that I adore her.  ~Freddie Casa  

Patti's Other Blog:

"A New Camino" -
A Latina's Journey Back from Cervical Cancer

 Find/Follow/Contact Patti: 

"Little by little one walks far." ~ Peruvian Proverb


1 comment:

  1. Hi Patti,
    Congratulations on every accomplishment. I love your blog.

