My Second 5K - Freeze Out Cancer

My Finish Time 28:10
Oh my gosh!! I haven't written in awhile. So much to do so little time, but one of my 2013 goals is to write on this blog often and keep you updated.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, December 15th, 2012 to be exact, I ran my second official 5K.  I wasn't planning to run any race until next year, but I saw the event posted on Facebook and I couldn't resist.

Just seeing the name of the event caught my attention "Freeze Out Cancer". As a cancer survivor, I felt I had to do it, not to mention it was happening almost in my backyard. 

I was a little apprehensive about running in the cold.   I didn't know how my body and my breathing were going to react to the cold air.  Remember I'm a newbie at this, on all counts.

To my amazement the weather cooperated.  It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  It was 47 degrees, bright and sunny.  A runner's dream-- so I'm told.  Before the start of the race, there was a moment of silence held for the victims of the Connecticut shootings, the tremendous tragedy that touched everyone's heart.

The Course
This was the first event being held by the organizers of Freeze Out Cancer.  It was held at Riverside Park in NYC and there were about 100 runners.

Riverside Park is very familiar to me since I patrolled the area when I was a cop.  I couldn't believe that I was running inside the same park that I once patrolled at night making sure everything was safe. 

We ran down a straight path for most of the race.  I must admit that I struggled a little at the beginning until I got my breathing under control and found my pace.

 I've been having a little problem with my left hamstring, but it behaved for most of the run until I hit that last mile.  Nevertheless, I finished in 28:10 shaving 2 minutes and 30 seconds off my first 5K.  I was very proud of that.  Yaaahhhh!!!!

Finish Line
Hubby stood proud at the finish line taking pictures.  Love that man!!! He cheers my small and big milestones no matter what.

I felt a big sense of accomplishment and immediately texted my cheerleading squad captains (my brother, my friend Maria, my Mom and my Aunt) and of course I had to post on FB to let all of you know.

I have to applaud the organizers of this event for a job well done. It was awesome, and I hope this is the first one of many more to come. All proceeds of this event went to the American Cancer Society

Now, I am a couple of days away to start one of my many challenges for 2013.  My challenge is to run a 5K for every month of 2013 or at least try.

For the month of January, I will be running the New Year's Eve Dash at the Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, NY.  I checked the weather for that day, and I am not going to be so lucky this time.  It is predicted to be 19 degrees that night, so I will be freezing my hiney. ~ LOL ~

Hubby and Me
Start of the Race

Running on a beautiful day

Here I go.............
The End of the Race

Determination makes a person thrive in life ~ Anonymous

Related Links:

I Conquered My First 5K


  1. That's a great time! One of my goals is to be able to run a 5K under 30 minutes but I'm nowhere close yet.

    1. Hi Heather
      Don't worry, be patient you will build up endurance and speed as you go along. I couldn't run more than 5 minutes at one point. I amazed myself sometimes - LOL. Keep up the excellent work. Continue and be consistent. It will pay off, I promise. Thank you for stopping by. Happy and Healthy New Year :)
