Success Story - Meet Nadhia R.

Name: Nadhia R.
Age:  44
Height:  5'10"
Before Weight: 340
Current Weight:  280
How did you gain your weight?  I have been overweight since childhood, however with stress, knee injuries, and a decreased activity level, I tend to gain weight.  

What made you change your lifestyle?  A lot of joint pain, high blood pressure, feeling lethargic, and decreased self esteem.

How did you lose your weight?  Have you hit your goal weight? I began with small changes each day until I was able to eliminate all sugars and carbs.  I then began eating healthy  and eventually adapted to a clean eating lifestyle as well as increasing my activity levels.  I have not reached my goal weight yet, but I work hard every day at it, and I know I will get there.  

What was the hardest obstacle in you weight loss journey?  I had a difficult time dealing with temptations, cravings and withdrawals. 

Any advise you would like to offer to people that starting this journey? Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time.  This is not a race of diet - this is a lifestyle change that will eventually change your life for the better.

What kept you and keeps you motivated?  Watching the Biggest Loser and sharing my experiences with my friends who were also on their weight loss journey - it kept me grounded and motivated.

Who inspired you or supported you through out the journey?  There are a few people that keep me inspired: Dolvett Quince, Jillian Michaels, my best friend -Vanessa Gonzalez, Patti Murillo-Casa, and several of my Zumba® friends/instructors.

What is your secret indulgence? Chocolate and Vanilla drops.

Do you have a FB page, IG and/or Blog you want to share with us?

Editor's Note:  I want to thank Nadhia for sharing her story.  I am more than  flattered to know that I am one of the persons that keeps her inspired to continue on her journey.  I know that she will reach her goal - she has shown dedication and determination to change her lifestyle. You are a strong person so-Go and Conquer.  xo

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