NYC Police Chase - My 13th 5K

On June 19, 2014, I ran the NYC 5K Police Chase in Flushing Meadows Park, Queens.

It was a beautiful day, excellent weather for a run.  I was running with my wonderful nephew Anthony which makes it exciting for me.

A couple of years ago, in 2011 to be exact,  my husband and I had attempted to walk this race.  At the time we were  not conditioned to run it.  We were the only ones walking it along with an elderly gentleman.

A few minutes into the race, the elderly gentleman was feeling exhausted, and we were asked to help him by taking him back to the starting point.  So we did and we never got to finish our walk.

My nephew and Me
Fast forward three years later I was back and this time I was running the race, and the same elderly man was there. I couldn't believe it.  I remembered him.  This time he finished the race slowly, but he crossed the finish line.  He is the epitome of resilience in my book.

It was a great day - I'm always proud to run with my nephew.  My official time was 32:43 finishing strong. This was my official 13th 5K so far (my lucky number 13) so I decided to declare a new goal for myself. - Stayed tuned I will announced it on my next post.

The end of the race
Hubby always supporting ME

Editor's Note:  I decided that I was going to dedicate  this run to the older gentleman.  I don't know who he is ~ I don't know his name - I don't have to know.  Just seeing him again after 3 years and remembering where we both used to be and what we have accomplished now inspired me to no end.  Thank you!! Remember it is never too late, or be too old, or be too heavy, or be too hopeless to do something you really want to do. It can be done!!

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