A Big Milestone For Me

Thank you ALL for your support and love and for believing in me.

Today, July 9th, 2013, marks a year since that amazing day when I hit my goal weight. The moment still vividly in my mind. It is amazing how time flies especially when you are feeling healthy, and finally liking yourself.

This is a big milestone for me since this is the FIRST time that I have managed to maintain my weight loss this long.  Yo-Yo diets are not unfamiliar to me.  I have loss and gained more weight than I care to remember.

The Difference
You might be asking what made the difference this time? The difference was in the gained knowledge throughout the journey. I am wiser now.  I learned that I couldn't go back to my old habits after reaching the finish line, because I was going to end up where I started from in less time that it took me to lose the 113 pounds.

I learned that the new healthy habits I was learning were going to be used throughout my lifetime, and not only as a tool to reach my goal.  I accepted the fact that I am a foodaholic and that I have to be vigilant to falling into old habits.  I have to be cognizant of my choices.  I also learned that exercise/activities will be a part of all my days to come. I learned the true meaning of the words moderation and balance which are keys on this journey.

I learned not to be hard on myself if I have a bad day or fall, as long I get up the very next day and continue the journey.  I learned to surround myself with positivity and ignore the unnecessary noise that goes on. I compete with myself and no one else.  I run my own race.  I aim to improve myself, to be better than I was before.

Bumps on the Road
This year has not been easy at all for several reasons.  Adjusting to the new lifestyle and the new me took me awhile. I still struggle from time to time.  My mind still catching up with my body.

RIP my Warriors
Something that affected me enormously was the lost of two iconic figures in my life within three months of each other.

Ronni Waldman was my counselor at Jenny Craig and unexpectedly passed away in March.  She was one of my teachers.  She taught me so many things. She guided me throughout the whole process and took me to the finish line.

When she passed away, I felt unbalanced-- thinking I wouldn't know what to do.  Little did I know she has taught me enough for me to stand on my own and continue this journey.  I thank her for this.  I will miss her, but her knowledge lives within me. 

On Mother's Day (May 12), I lost my head cheerleader, my beautiful Mom.  The one that cheered me on throughout my whole life no matter what.  The one that believed in me more than I believed in myself.  The one that gave me unconditional love from the moment she brought me into this world, and perhaps even before.

It devastated me the day she left us, but I know she's in a good place.  A place where she will be watching over us and loving us from afar.  I will miss her every day of all my days, but I have to be grateful and give God thanks for blessing me with a wonderful human being as a mom. "I will always love you Mommy."

These two loses took a toll to say the least, and demons came back.  I'm an emotional eater, and I fell into old habits.  I gained approximately 10 pounds in a blink of an eye, but I knew both of these women will NOT want me to let go of what I had accomplished. They wouldn't expect less of me.  So I had to dig deep again, and with the help of my family, friends, and wonderful people that surround me on a daily basis I had to make a quick U-turn.

Thank You
No battle is fought alone.  I have many warriors on my side. The list is long-I wish I could name and post a picture of everyone of you, but you know who you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I couldn't have done it without all of you.

I also have to thank those people that were not too positive on my journey, the ones that swore that I was going to fail.  You all became one of my motivations because I wanted to prove you WRONG!

Thank you to both of my doctors for always caring, especially my oncologist, Dr. Jason Wright, for going beyond his call of duty. Both of them are very pleased - I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been.

Special thanks to my other teacher and mentor, my personal trainer and friend, Ketsy.  She not only kicks my butt in the gym, but she always has a tender shoulder for me to lean on.  She has guided me throughout this whole journey by teaching me, cheering me with so much care and love.  I thank you my Ketsy!!!

Overall this year has been amazing for me.  I have learned so much, and continue to learn. I learned that I was stronger than I thought.  I have wonderful teachers and mentors that have taken me under their wings.  I feel like I am growing my own wings to be able to fly and I aspire to inspire.

My future goals are many.  I feel unstoppable, but just knowing how far I have traveled makes this journey amazing to me.  To have reached a place where at one point of my life seemed unreachable. To be able to let people know that it can be done.   That it is a goal that is not impossible to reach.  You have to have determination, be constant, have patience and focus on that goal. 

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