Success Story - Meet Heather B.

Name:  Heather B.
Age:  38
Height: 5'3"
Before Weight:  368
Current Weight: 186

How did you gain your weight? I was heavy most of my life. I started gaining weight like crazy after my teen years - fast food, booze, sugar.  I also smoked cigarettes.

What made you change your lifestyle?  I ended up having an emergency surgery and I almost died from it.  After this I knew I had to do something drastic because I was still huge and had diabetes and high blood pressure.

How did you lose your weight?   After the surgery I still wasn't losing weight, so I ended up having a gastric sleeve in September of 2011.

What was the hardest obstacle in your weight loss journey?  The hardest part was losing weight before the surgery, which they make you do.  Doctor wanted me to lose 25-30 pounds before the surgery.  I went on a liquid diet, which was worth it for me because I lost 50 pound by Christmas.

I changed my relationship with food forever, and I started my fitness journey.  It is difficult because the more I lose the hardest it gets to continue losing.  I only have thirty-five pounds left to lose.  I want to get down to 150 pounds.

Any advise you would like to offer to people that are starting this journey?  It is never too late to start a healthy lifestyle.  I never thought I would be here loving being fit.  I used to hate to exercise, but now I love it - I am so addicted!!!

Do you have a FB fan page and/or Blog? I have a FB fan page.  Please stop by at Half Size Heather


Editor's Note:  I want to congratulate Heather on her transformation, not only physically but mentally.  I know how hard it is to change the relationship with food, but it can be done. Heather is living proof.  Keep strong Heather and I know you will conquer.  All the best to you.

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