Things I Didn't Count On When I Was Losing Weight

My Transition 
More than a year ago, I made the decision to get healthy and to do so I had to make some changes in my lifestyle including losing weight.  My weight of 238 pounds was making me morbidly obese according to the BMI chart and was bringing me more illnesses that I cared to deal with. 

I knew I had to start this journey and stick to it no matter how long it took, no matter what it took.  I knew in order to lose weight, I had to change my eating habits and start moving (exercise).  Those two things are a given for this journey and those were my main focus.  I didn't count on the following things:

1. You will Need a Whole New Wardrobe - Not only do you need a new wardrobe, but "transition" clothes until you hit your goal weight, especially if you have to lose more than 20 pounds.  Remember, I wore a size 22 and used XXL.  As the pounds begin to melt, everything starts shrinking, including your feet.

I tried to to wear some of the sizes as long as I could, I couldn't afford to buy every single size.  I knew it was time to get a couple of new items of clothing when my husband, who really never has anything to say on what I wear, will say hesitantly and tactfully,  "honey, I think those pants are a little bit too big on you." 

I must admit, it is fun to shop for new clothes, especially in a smaller size,  but it can get a little bit expensive when you have to get everything from underwear, bras to shoes.  Now I wear a size 4 and use a Small. My shoe size went from a wide 8 1/2 to an average size 8. I'm still in the process of getting my new wardrobe. It's still amazes me....

2.  Less/More Calories - As you get smaller you require less calories unless you workout aggressively.  It blew my mind that at one point I had to eat more calories to be able to lose weight.  My mind was having a problem grasping this concept, but it works.

I was burning more than the 1,500 calories I was eating daily, slowing my metabolism and putting me in starvation mode.  This caused me not to lose any weight even though I was exercising aggressively and eating sensible.  The scale was stuck for awhile.  It wasn't until I added more calories to my day that I started losing weight again.

3. Loose Skin -  I have to remember that I lost 113 pounds and that's almost a whole person.  No!! -- not almost, it is a whole person because some of my friends weigh 113 pounds.

There will be loose skin in all those places where you’re carrying extra fat, including the face and neck.

The good news is that toning exercises somewhat help in getting your key muscles in shape and help with some of this lose skin situation.  I’m still working on the loose skin thing myself, but it takes time and you have be patience.  Sometimes besides the exercise you might have to look into non-invasive procedures and some firm skin creams.

4.  Not Everyone Will Be Supportive - OK so this one took me for a loop.  I encountered both ends of the spectrum.  From people saying how great I look to how terrible, anorexic and sick I look.

Negative feedback will always be there no matter what-- because their is always "haters" (for lack of a better word), but I didn't expect the negative feedback from the people that were so supportive at one point.  What happened???  I don't know how to explain this, but maybe its because these people are not use to seeing me the way I look now.

I want to clarify to ALL that while on this journey, I was monitored very closely by both my doctors. I lost the weight in a healthy way and gradually.  Now, I weigh 125 pounds, hardly an anorexic weight for someone my height. I feel stronger and healthier than I have ever been. 

Sometimes you just have to ignore the unnecessary noise and don't let this noise distract you from your goal and journey, especially when you know that you are doing the right thing for youself. You are NOT always going to please everyone. It's ALL about YOU!!

"Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you." ~ Denis Waitley

If you want to check your own BMI click -->    HERE


  1. Wonderful post! All too true! You look amazing and have accomplished so much!!! Thank you for sharing your words! They will be so helpful to many on their journey to health! Happy Tuesday! SPA love!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words Jenna!!! Thank you for stopping by and giving me some SPA love!! Much love to you back. xoxo

  2. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey and congratulations on your good health! I continue to be shocked at the lack of support I sometimes feel from people in my fitness journey. But, it's so important to be able to look within and know you're doing just fine! SPA <3

    1. Thank you Rhonda. Just know that you are doing this mainly for yourself. Focus and continue your journey - ignore the unnecessary noise. Much Health to you. SPA love, Patti

  3. I am so proud of all your accomplishments! You've managed to turn every adversity into a triumph......many would love to even have half of your determination and perseverance. At this point in your life, you certainly need to re-vamp and get rid of all who don't mean you well and focus on those who want the best for you. Most of the time, haters, in all actuality, want to be in your shoes. I'm so happy for you and your husband.....luv u girl. Keep pressing forward! God bless u.

    1. Thank you Rosie for always giving me motivation to continue with my journey. I have learned to ignore what I call the unnecessary noise and continue forward. I Surround myself with people like you. People that charge my motivation and inspiration. Thanks again my friend. God Bless xoxo Patti

  4. Great post! It's very inspiring to read about your determination and success. I'm sure this will be very helpful to many people starting similar journeys!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. I hope to help people in similar journeys and let them know that they are not alone. Thank you so much for stopping by and for nice comment. Much Health to you. Patti
