I Conquered My First 5K

Keeping a steady pace
I did it!!! I conquered my FIRST 5K! It was an amazing and indescribable experience.

I woke up so early with very little sleep.   I was so excited and anxious at the same time. It was a cold day, but I felt confident.   The race was starting at 7:45 am.

We got to the site about 6:30 am and I already felt the energy of the people.  We ALL felt it!!!  My cheer leading squad was present with me (my good friend Maria who was going to run the race with me, my husband and my brother).

It was amazing to see the sea of women ready to tackle the run.  Some were experienced runners and some of us first timers, but nevertheless the energy soared.

The Start of the Race
My Ranking
The time was here.  Ready??? Go.........  I knew I had to focus and keep up my steady pace and don't try to speed too early.  With my music playing in my ears, I found my stride and off I went.  At times I had to zig zag my way around some runners, but it was all good.  Along the route we had to tackle a couple of hills and one going down hill which I found a little harder than going up. 

Mile one was great.  Mile two, I struggled a little, but then I got my second wind making mile three a good one.  I didn't look at my watch once, I just kept up my steady stride.

The End of the Race
As I was reaching the end of the race, I saw the man that always has my back, my rock, my husband.  He stood there proud taking a picture.

I looked up and I saw the official clock.  It said 30:25 and I had a couple of more feet to go, so I sprinted the best I could and I entered the finish line at 30:40 (my best time yet).  Yaaaahhhh!!!

At the end of the race, a handsome firefighter is waiting for you to place your medal around your neck.  It was so surreal to me.  I have DONE it!  An accomplishment that seemed far away to reach at one point of my life.

Here it was--a dream come true and better than I thought.  My time ranked me #66 overall female, out of 588 participants and #4 in my age group.  I couldn't ask for better.  Not too shabby for being the first time, if I say so myself.  I am SO PROUD!!!!

Editor's Note:  I want to thank all of those people that send me their best wishes and positive vibes from here and a far.  Special thanks to my cheer leading squad, especially Maria for sticking with me all the step of the way.  Maria you did AWESOME!!!! 

"Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities". ~ Robert H. Schuller

After the Race
Maria and Me - We Did It!!!!

Related Link:
I'm Ready for My First 5K


  1. Wow.. awesome first race!! I've done three 5ks and just hit a PR yesterday for 33:01! Nice job, lady!! :) SPA <3

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer. I was surprised of the time but I felt strong. Thanks again sweetie. xo

  2. Awww! That is AWESOME - Congratulations! Isn't it an amazing feeling?! When is the next one? ;)

    1. It was an amazing feeling Michelle. An indescribable feeling. My next 5K will be the "Midnight Dash" which takes place when the clock strikes 12 on January 1st, 2013. A great way to start my new year. :))
