She Believed She Could So She Did

 Guest Blog Post written by Filomena Ann @healthyfitmama31

"She Believed She Could So She Did” – [Luke 1:45], is the best way to describe my journey with running. I was not always passionate about running. I got back into it after I had my son.

In the past, running for me was always about doing it for weight loss. I never really enjoyed it, and most of the time I could not wait to finish my run.  After having my son, I wanted to do something for myself. I decided to train for my first 5k. I downloaded the couch to 5k application, and I remember at first running on my treadmill and at the running track.  I found myself enjoying these runs. This time it was a different feeling. I ran my first 5k on June of 2014, and afterwards I started running more and more. I love how I felt during my runs. 

I remember a co-worker telling me about a challenge for “Be the Match.” The challenge was to run a hundred miles in a hundred days. I was excited to do this challenge. I remember setting out to do my first mile. The one mile turned into three miles. I remember the first day I ran eight miles. I was so excited because I never thought that I could run more than three miles at a time.  These runs were times to be by myself; it was my time to think.  Anything that was bothering me I could just pound it out on the pavement, and feel so much better afterwards. 

Running became my therapy. Every time I had something going on in my life, I would put on my running shoes and just go. I would just feel so much better about whatever was bothering me.

During one of my runs, I decided to do my first half marathon. I remember looking up half marathons close to my house. I signed up for the Suffolk Half Marathon. My mantra during my training was “I don’t care about my time, I just want to finish.”

On September 13, 2015, I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon, seeing my son and husband made me feel so proud. The feeling of finishing a race is such an indescribable feeling. The feeling of the crowd cheering you on it is amazing. If you never have watched a race, I recommend going and watching one. The energy is awesome. I was hooked right there and then. I immediately signed up for next half marathon. 

Since getting back into running I have completed many 5k, 10k, 15k, seventeen (17) half marathons, and two 25k's.   

The year 2020 was supposed to be a year for big goals. I was supposed to have hit my 20th half marathon goal, and run my first marathon race, but as you know, this might not happen this year.  I decided not to let COVID-19 get in the way of my goals. I use the extra time being at home to focus on my training.

Running has been there for me through many challenging times in my life. It has taught me that when I show up every day for myself, every other part of my life benefits. I always tell others when it comes to exercising and moving your body, you must find something that you truly love doing. Running is mine. šŸ˜Š

Editor's Note:  I want to thank Filomena for sharing her story, and for showing us that the body achieves what the mind believes.  For her one run changed a day, and many runs changed her life. All the best in your future runs. The road is yours. xo

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