Meet Cynthia T.

Name:  Cynthia Travieso
Age:  35
Height:  5'6
Before Weight: 320
Current Weight: 185

How did you gain your weight?  I've been overweight most of my life. 

What made you change your lifestyle?  I was trying to get pregnant and have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome).  Because of my size I was told I would not  a) be able to have a healthy pregnancy and b) many doctors would not want to give me fertility treatments as I was considered high risk.  For two years I tried different diets, but always seemed to fail at portion control. I finally came to a point where I realized I did need help, and that help was in the form of surgery. 

How did you lose your weight?  I had gastric bariatric surgery.  The first 100lbs came off honestly with portion control that came via the surgery.  It took me about a year to lose those 100lbs. The next 30lbs came off in 4-5 months with moderate carb/low sugar intake. I am currently doing cardio/weights to take off the remaining 35lbs.

Have you hit your goal weight?  No. My goal weight is 150lbs. 

What was the hardest obstacle in you weight loss journey?  Mentally realizing it is OK to leave food on your plate. I struggled with a lot of emotions right after surgery. Growing up in a family that struggled to put food on the table, I grew being taught to not only eat everything on your plate, but to also fill up wherever you could. Post-surgery I could only eat so much and at times felt like a failure for not consuming everything even though I physically was beyond full. 

Any advise you would like to offer to people that starting this journey?  Go at your own pace and be kind to yourself. I have in the past tried to make quick changes, but rarely were they permanent ones. What I've learned is that slow changes tend to be more practical and sustainable for me. For example-I overall want to transition to vegetarianism (my mother recently had a heart attack, and it made me re-examine the foods I was putting into my system). Instead of just making that change from night to day I have slowly cut out meats one at a time. I started with beef, then pork, then chicken.. currently I am eating seafood.. and it's maintainable for me because I did it at my pace I am not feeling like I missed out on a steak. Same thing goes for exercise-I wanted to always go in 100% from the beginning, however I was not 100% ready for that. So I started one day...until that felt normal and then increased to two days, etc.  Also-let others in, you'd be surprised at how much support you will receive. 

What kept you and keeps you motivated?  My husband, my friends and family... the memory of loved ones lost (this is a big one). I lost my aunt a few years ago, living life to the fullest in a way she could not the last years of her life (she had type II diabetes and lupus), motivates me to continue with healthier habits. 

Who inspired you or supported you through out the journey? My husband was definitely my biggest supporter. There were many days where I would want to talk myself out of change and my husband was a great sounding board, constantly reminding me of my ultimate goal.  For inspiration, Instagram, Social media and all it's #fitspiration helped me keep the eye on the prize. It's important to not do comparisons, but it is super helpful to know others have been where you have been and have gotten to where you want to be. 

What is your secret indulgence? Premier Protein shakes with coffee. It makes me feel like I'm having a frappe without all the sugar.

Do you have a FB page, IG and/or Blog you want to share with us?  Instagram: @curvyescapades.

I want to thank Cynthia for sharing her journey with us, and I know that she will keep her eye on the prize, and reach her ultimate goal.  I have known Cynthia awhile now, we even did a Spin® class together which was fun.  We have seen each other struggles cause the struggle it's REAL, but here is to prove again, that when you put your mind to do something you want, you will do it, and you will find the way to get there.  Kudos to you my friend. I'm proud of you.  I wish you all the very best with this new chapter of your life.  May all your dreams and wishes come true.  Peace, Love & Light. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Im proud of you ... keep up the motivation. I myself lost about 26lbs... Im still looking to loose another 25 lbs. looking at you and your accomplishments motivates me even more. thank you and keep up the good work.
