Spining® Instructor Certification

I never thought the day will come that I can say "I'm a Certified Spinning® Instructor", but I can because I am.

A couple of months ago, for my birthday, my brother surprised me by registering me to go to take the workshop and assessment test to become a Certified Spinning® Instructor. I couldn't believe it!! I thought it was a crazy idea - but that's just like him.

He thought that it was time for me to take a step forward. It seems that many felt the same way except me.  Ketsy, my Master Spin® Instructor was elated that I was doing this and reassured me that I was not only ready but that I shouldn't hesitate to do it.

I have been Spinning®  religiously for two years-- about 3-4 times a week.  I love Spinning®, but I never thought about being an Instructor. I had no idea of what the whole thing entailed, but I was about to find out. 

I didn't know what to expect at the practical part of the course. I just knew it was going to be 9 long hours and I had to read some of the big Spinning Instructor Manual.

Before I knew it the day was here.  I got to the location which was at a CRUNCH gym in midtown Manhattan in NYC, and I was one of about 30 people. Just looking at these people I knew they were into fitness. They all looked fit. After this observation t really felt a little bit nervous and out of my element.  I even text  Ketsy about how I felt, and she reassured me that I will be more than OK.

We were going to be instructed by Master Spinning® Instructor, Anthony Musemici, an instructor with many years of experience, and a very impressive resume with credentials longer than my arm. 

As we all introduce ourselves to the class my observations were right. Half of these people were Certified Personal Trainers and the rest were either instructors of Zumba®, CrossFit, Kettebell, etc. 

I must confess I felt a little intimidated--here I was with no experience in the fitness world and among all these fitness people, but I reminded myself that I was taught by the best, and she had just reassured me, therefore I was going to do my best.

It was a long day full of lectures, practical work, and two rides on the bike.  This was the first time I was riding out my comfort zone because even though I have been Spinning for two years -- I have only done it at one place with the same instructor,  but I held my own - I blended in.   I was able to keep up with the various positions and different cadence on the bike. Believe me these Master Instructors are capable of keeping count of many rider's cadence at the same time.  It is amazing!!

The majority of the morning we learned the background and the basics of Spinning.  We learned the Spinner (bike) itself and how to truly fit someone to a bike which is very important to avoid any kind of injury.

So it was time for our first ride before breaking for lunch.  What an experience that was.  Every Spin instructor is different and it took me a little to get use to this instructor's style.  As I said before I had only been exposed to Ketsy's style. 

This particular ride was all about proper form and moves for Spinning.  It brought me lots of knowledge, we learned things that I did not know, and confirmed things that I did.  I also burned over 400 calories.  Yay!!!!

We broke for lunch which I had brought with me.  I was going into unknown waters, and I have learned to always be prepared.  I won't skip a meal nor let myself get hungry.  

The rest of the afternoon was spent on  the composition of the actual class.  There is so much more that goes into a 45 minutes Spinning class that you might think.

I am sure some of you have attended a Spinning class before, and you don't quite realize what goes behind the scene to create a good class.  It is not just about the playlist (music) you also have to create or build a profile

Before we knew it, it was time for our second and final ride of the day.  This was an awesome ride for me.  I felt the connection of my body and mind and the realization of how much I loved to ride. 

I must confess that I arrived not feeling confident.  Not feeling that I belonged or deserved to be there, but I left feeling stronger and feeling that I was able and ready to be whatever I wanted to be - no matter what anybody thought.  I was going to take myself to any Finish Line I wanted.  

And with that - I had completed the Spinning Instructor Workshop.

But the journey was not over...... 

This certificate gave me permission to now lead Spinning classes, but I still needed to pass an assessment examination to officially be a Certified Spinning Instructor.

I had to carefully study the manual and take a practice test before taking the actual assessment examination.  They give you up to six months to do this.  I didn't want to let my momentum die down, so I started studying and with the help and support of my own Master Instructor - I was able to take the test within a month.

I did pretty well......... Yah!!!!!  I got a 98%!!!!!  I had passed my assessment examination and I was now an official Certified Spinning Instructor.

Approximately 2 weeks later,  I got this in the mail:

I'm still shadowing my Master Instructor, but I feel more confident than before.  Even though I have my own style - I can say I am good at it.  I am not being cocky - just that I know I had been taught by the best, so what else can I be, but GOOD.  LOL

Editor's Note: I'm very proud of this accomplishment. An accomplishment that at one point of my life -was not even on my radar.    I want to thank my brother for making it possible, and for having that vision for me.  I also want to thank my own Master Spinning Instructor, Ketsy*, for not only being my mentor and teacher, but for always encouraging me and believing in me (sometimes more that I do).

 Not bad from a heavy girl that used to weighed 238 pounds and hardly moved. right???

Spinning is something that either you love or you don't.  Some people feel bored because they claim they not moving anywhere. Well Duh!!! It is a stationery bike after all.  You have to use imagination, create your own zone  and connect the body with the mind harmoniously.   I can assure you -- you will experience a wonderful ride.  

Riders--  Enjoy & Have a Great Ride!!!!

** Ketsy Santiago is a Spinning Instructor, as well as a Certified Fitness Trainer Specialist in Performance Nutrition. 


  1. Congratulations Patti!! You truly are an inspiration. I have been considering spin class but just quite seem to get myself to exercise indoors - I love to hike.thanks for the advice to create my zone, imagination, connection of body and mind - I will remember this. You will be an amazing instructor that will motivate many.

    1. Thank you so much Leilani for your kind words. I hope you'll try Spinning in the future- it is an amazing experience if you know how to use your imagination. Thanks for stopping by and for your support. xoxoxo
