My Races Dedication

At the beginning of 2013, I decided that it will be a great idea, since I am doing plenty of virtual and non-virtual races to dedicate each race I run.

I will be dedicating each race to special people in my life that have motivated, inspired, loved me or just plain and simple had made a difference in my life.  Some of the races will also be dedicated to causes that are dear and near to my heart.

Dedications will be in random order, so please DO NOT think that someone or something is more special than other.
2013 Races


January 1- New Year's Eve Dash 5K
Dedicated To : ME
Call me narcissistic, but I think I'm deserving of this.  Dedicating the first race of the year to myself.  Celebrating my new lifestyle, the new healthy me.  Celebrating what at one point of my life seemed like an unreachable goal. I am healthier, stronger and happier than I have ever been.

January 31 - Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial (Virtual 5K Race)
Dedicated To:  The 20 Angels and the 6 courageous women in CT
I feel the world had a broken heart with this senseless and tragic event.  The little boys and girls that will never experience life, and those courageous women that gave their lives to save many others. May they RIP.


February 2 - Riverside Park Hot Chocolate 5K
Dedicated To: Ketsy Santiago 
Ketsy is my trainer and friend. Even though I have known her for only a year, she has become an icon in my new life.  She is my teacher and mentor. Someone who believes in me and is constantly reminding me that "I can do it."  She gives me tough love sometimes, but at the end of the day, she is one of my Guardian Angels in disguise.  Her passion is amazing, it is no wonder that she has funneled some of that passion to me.

February 14 - I Heart Running 5K (Virtual Run)
Dedicated To:  The Love of my Life - My Hubby, Freddie Casa
How apropos to dedicate this race to the love of my life, my hubby of almost 14 years, on the day we celebrate LOVE.  The man that has been a constant to me.  My rock, my strength, my inner conscious.  He has held my hand through my ups and down never making me feel alone. I love him dearly.  I couldn't see my life without him.

February 17 - I Run With Heart 5k (Virtual Run)
Dedicated To:  Rudy Murillo, My brother
Rudy is the other other most important man in my life.  Not only are we bonded by blood but by love and respect of one another.  He has been the most supportive person throughout my whole life.  He has shown me unconditional love, and even though he is my little brother he has always been my protector.  


March 10 - Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies 5k.
Dedicated To: Taffy Dabby.
Taffy opened the doors to a place that has become my safe haven and my second home.  She is the Director/Manager of The Whitehall Health Club.
She might be pint size, but her heart is the biggest.  Her passion, dedication, compassion, and caring are just a few of her virtues.  She has the gift of logic, the art of reasoning that makes you realize misunderstandings.  She is plain and simple a little ray of sunshine.

March 16 -  NYCRUNS Riverside Park 5K.
Dedicated To -  Maria Jorge.
Maria came into my life a few years ago becoming like a little sister.  She cheers me on no matter what.  I really appreciate her friendship and most of all the love that she gives to one of the most important person in my life - "My Brother".
Even though we are not related by blood, a bond has been created between us.  You are the little sister that I never got to have.  I'm grateful for your loyalty and love through good and bad times.

*** April, May, June, July 
No runs due to a physical injury


 August 21 - NYCRUNS Riverside Park Summer 5K Series.
Dedicate To -  Celtina Murillo
My beautiful mom.  I lost her this year in May and I miss her and think of her every day.  One of the strongest woman I have ever met.  She taught so many things in life, but she did not show me how to live without her.  I know she is in a better place and she is will be looking over us.  She will always live in heart.

*** September, October, November
Getting a little stronger from my physical injury as well as emotionally.


December 15 - Second Annual Freeze Out Cancer 5K
Dedicated To - Tamika and Friends, Inc
An organization very dear and near to my heart.  T&F is dedicated to raise awareness about cervical cancer and HPV.  12,000 are diagnosed every year in the USA alone and 4,000 women die from this disease every year.  I ran for me and for those who cannot run.

2014 Races

No Races Scheduled


February 1 - M-M-Manhattan Hot Chocolate 5K
Dedicated To -  Rudy Anthony Murillo
My nephew.  I missed many of his years while growing up, but he ran this race with me which made so awesome for me. I couldn't believe that the day was here to share an event like this with him.   He has grown to be a good man, and I stand here as a very proud Tia. 

February 13 - Fit Fab & Lean 5K (Virtual Run)
Dedicated To -Ferdinand Casa Sr.
My father-in-law.  A brilliant man in its own right.  I see traits of him in my husband--- gentle yet strong enough to stand in their beliefs.  Happy 86th Birthday Mr. C.  May you have many healthy ones. 

No Races Scheduled


April 6 - JFK Runway 5K Run
Dedicated To - Lois Molina and Rachel Leyden
This race was dedicated to two awesome mothers, Lois Molina and Rachel Leyden, whose patience, dedication and immense love for their children is more than admirable.  April is Autism Awareness Month, yet they live it every day.  I admire you both.  All my love to you and your beautiful families.

April 27RHM 5K Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies
Dedicated To - Lynn Crimando
Lynn is my Yoga/Meditation instructor.  The amazing Lynn Crimando is an American Viniyoga Therapist and has helped me immensely to get my body into  better shape after my hamstring injury.  So how apropos is this race - Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies.  Thank you so much Lynn for everything.


May 18 - NYPD Memorial 5K Run
Dedicated To - Police Officer Kevin M. Lee
This run was dedicated to my brother in blue Kevin M. Lee  whose end of tour was on Friday, January 27, 2006.  He did what most of us run away from, but his heroic actions will never be forgotten.


June 19 - NYC Police Chase 
Dedicated To - The Unknown Elderly Gentleman
I decided that I was going to dedicate  this run to the unknown older gentleman.  I don't know who he is ~ I don't know his name - I don't have to know.  Just seeing him again after 3 years and remembering where we both used to be and what we have accomplished now inspired me to no end.  

 **Click HERE  to read about my experiences on each of the above runs.

If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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